Feb 11, 2016

Further Development

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

In the early years of the Clone Wars, many answered the call to defend the Republic. One such person was Cyprian Klish, a young member of the Alderaanian Constabulary. He gained skill in the arts of war, though he never managed to rise in rank for some reason. Many years later, while away from home, Alderaan became the first and only casualty of the Death Star. The choice to fight on the side of the Rebellion was an easy one for Cyprian.

During the Clone Wars, a young Jedi apprentice named Lorn Shard fell in love with a young woman and fathered a child with her. He had not even become a Knight before he renounced his place in the Jedi Order. Towards the end of the war, Master Junder convinced him to rejoin the fight. Shard's son was about 5 years old when he left. Shortly thereafter, Emperor Palpatine issued Order 66. Shard and Junder's ship was attacked by Republic forces, and they crash landed on the remote jungle planet that Shard came to call Jugular. Because of the bloody rivers (bacterial colonies in the water). Shard's lightsaber crystal was shattered and Junder perished in the crash. All comm gear was destroyed in the wreckage, and Shard had to learn to survive on this hostile world with practically no technology. Almost 20 years would pass before he could finally leave.

Elsewhere, a young boy named Oslo had a harsh childhood in the shadow of the Empire. He saw many refugee families torn apart by clone troopers, and later stormtroopers. He has no memory of it, but he was fairly certain that his mother was killed by the Empire as well. He grew up with another family and took their name, Hulsebosch. Despite the poor conditions, Oslo was lucky, and managed to escape and prosper. He became a talented pilot, and joined the Rebellion as soon as he was old enough. He ended up serving alongside a veteran named Cyprian.

The Clone Wars did not hinder the activities of the Hutts. On the Outer Rim world of <insert name here>, they maintained a set of gladitorial arenas. Slaves were captured and brought in to fight for the Hutts and their customer's pleasure. One such slave was a young Trandoshan, whose parents had been slain by the Hutts at the time of his capture. Over the decades, he not only learned great martial prowess, but also the subtleties of how to survive the arena for the long term. He went by the nickname "Crunch".

To stock these arenas, Hutt slavers visited the most hostile places in the galaxy to capture dangerous creatures. One day, years into the reign of the Empire, they visited <insert name here>. They didn't just find the creature they were looking for, but also a lone, weathered human. He was tough, and put up a fight, but Shard was captured eventually, and taken to the arenas of <insert name here>. He was put into a group melee against the creature from the jungle world alongside a number of other gladiators, including Crunch. During the combat, Crunch was hit by a poison barb, and was incapacitated. Shard knew the antidote, and was able to quickly administer it to the fallen Trandoshan. The creature still raged, however, and in his weakened state, Shard was knocked down. Before he was savaged by the beast, however, a rapidly recovered Crunch intercepted it and managed to finish it off. This cemented a friendship between Shard and Crunch.

About a month later, Rebel forces learned that a Moff was visiting the Hutt arena world, and set in motion a plan to assassinate him. Cyprian and Oslo were members of this small task force. Their attack was anticipated, however, and they walked right into a trap. As they fought to escape the arena complex, they were aided by a trandoshan gladiator and a tough old human. Crunch and Shard helped guide them through the warrens beneath the arenas, and Cyprian and Oslo provided the firepower necessary to break out. The rest of the Rebel strike force was captured or slain, but a number of slaves were freed and escaped with our heroes.

Now, months later, they find themselves as part of a Rebel Cell, hiding on the volcanic world of Khemsara, recruiting and training new Rebels.

[edits made to reflect Greg's background upates]

Feb 5, 2016

Work in Progress

This past session we talked briefly about broad character concepts for each of the players. Here's what we came up with.

Charlie : Pilot and gunslinger who is Force-sensitive, but doesn't really know it. He's just lucky sometimes. His parents were killed by the Empire, which is why he's with the Rebellion.

Sean : Trandoshan ex-gladiator. Freed from slavery to the Hutts by Rebel operatives (accidentally?), he sticks with the Rebellion mostly to avoid the Hutts, and because they represent freedom.

Greg : Jedi apprentice from decades ago, who was marooned when his master crash-landed their ship and died. Mad survival skills, and was picked up by the Rebellion recently. Has a broken lightsaber?

Matt : Rebellion Spec Ops. Might have been on the missions that rescued Sean and Greg's characters?

So we've got a start. Next session we'll flesh things out a little more, and weave our heroes' stories together.

Feb 4, 2016

Getting Started

We're starting a new Star Wars adventure! Using the Fantasy Flight rules, and all three core books, the PCs will undertake missions for the Rebel Alliance as a crack group of operatives. We'll start on the outer rim world of Khesmara, a young, volcanic world orbiting a blue-red binary pair.

We just barely started the character creation process last night, but I wanted to go ahead and lay the groundwork for recording our sessions.